I absolutely love Mexican food and, nachos with chicken, guacamole, jalapeños and melted cheddar is one of my all time favourite dishes. To make this dish you need to the ultimate guacamole, so simply follow the recipe below. The guacamole can also be used as an alternative to hummus in which you can dip peppers, carrots, crisps and crackers - super healthy and delicious.
2 large Avocados
Half clove of Garlic
3 tbsp of Creme Fraiche or Natural Yogurt
Half tsp of grated Parmesan
Pinch of Sea Salt
Pinch of Cracked Black Pepper
1) Peel the Avocados, slice across the middle, remove stones and chop into cubes
2) Peel and chop the garlic finely
3) Add the salt, pepper and parmasan and blend using a hand blender
4) When smooth, add the natural yogurt/ Creme Fraiche and blend again
5) Spoon into ramkins and sprinkle with some cracked black pepper to serve.